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THREAD🚨 #SuddenlyCollapsed
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 13, 2023
Why are so many professional athletes and public figures collapsing live on television❓
•Damar Hamlin
•Sergio Aguero
•Jessica Robb
•Victor Lindelöf
•Heather McDonald
•Samuel Kalu
Here are 40+ sudden collapses since Jan. 2021: pic.twitter.com/a5zPaobB8a
https://expose-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Thread-by-@TheOriginalSai-14-Jan-23.pdf https://app.frame.io/player/eeab25eb-a59a-4348-9c32-cf84053ac0a5 READ "Covid-19"
From: https://www.autocraticforthepeople.com/2012/07/noam-chomsky-top-10-media-manipulation.html- Table of Content -NOAM CHOMSKY – TOP 10 MEDIA MANIPULATION STRATEGIESThe job of media is not to inform,… READ "Manipulation techniques"
Don’t think of this as a bad sign, it’s exactly what’s expected from an effective but imperfect jab A MailOnline… READ "The weekly stats uncovered; Why most people who now die with Covid in England have been vaccinated"
“Those more likely to get vaccine seek care more, thus more likely to be cases- Table of Content -• Excerpts… READ "#WHO :"
‘Until the late 19th century people quite regularly died of as”consumption.” It wasn’t until the development of germ theory that… READ "Consumption/ Tuberculosis"
COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and SafetyAbstract: COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have been exempted from legal liability for vaccine-induced harm. It is… READ "Abstract – covid vaccines, necessity, efficacy and safety"
• MRNA-vaccine-expert Dr. Robert Malone “[O]ne of my concerns are that the government is not being transparent with us about… READ "#censored / #banned"